Thursday, June 30, 2011

Reflection, Personal Discernment & the Rosary

I've spent the past few months reflecting on my spiritual life, beginning in Lent. As I mentioned before, this year's Lenten season drove me deeper than ever before in many respects.  One of the major issues that I have been dealing with is related to discernment of certain experiences that I've had in life.  Ignatius's Discernment of Spirits is the go-to book in many respects when one starts to look at how spiritual events affect your life and it requires a thorough understanding of the rules of discernment and a good spiritual director. My return to the faith is driven by numerous notable events that I cannot explain with anything other than faith in God. The issue is that I don't quite understand the meaning of all of them. Thoughts range from the enemy (Devil) being involved to them being straight from God. What I do know is two things:

1. I would not be back on fire practicing the faith if it was not through the Grace of God.
2. Practicing and keeping the faith is NOT EASY. It takes a humble and contrite spirit along with a daily picking up of one's cross.

What I have been fighting internally is not having peace on issues and actions that I have happened in my life. I tend to alternate between frustration, desolation and consolation. Part of the problem is that we tend to want answers "NOW", when we don't realize that they are on God's timing. However, I keep turning my negative and frustrated thoughts to those of thanks to God for how he has worked in my life. Sometimes in ordinary ways - other times in very extraordinary ways. Always turn to prayer in times of need. Often this is how God helps draw us back to him...

This July marks two years since I began praying the rosary daily. If it was not for the perseverance of often having to force myself to have the discipline of praying the rosary, I do not think I would be as strong as I am today. Reflecting and meditating on Christ's life through the rosary is so simple, yet powerful. I can't tell you how many ways I have realized new things about Christ through meditating on the mysteries of the rosary.  While our protestant brothers and sisters often claim the rosary is leading us into idolatry and away from God, I would say just the opposite. God certainly works in mysterious ways, including bringing us to him through his blessed mother.

Here are some articles on the role of Mary if you are searching for more info and have an open heart and mind.

I often listen to archived EWTN radio shows of Mother Angelica on satellite radio when on the way to work. Her words are simple yet profound at times. This morning she was talking about how we can read scripture so many times, yet it's that random umpteenth time we read it and go "WOW". Yes indeed.  God works on us indeed. If you don't know Mother Angelica's story, have a look at or  for a brief bio. She's definitely dedicated in her faith.

"Lord, continue to always reveal yourself to us".

Deo Gratias.